March 23 will always be a special day for me. It is one of those borderline days with the touch of spring in the air but the chill of winter hanging on. This week the ground thawed completely and the Crocuses on the south facing bed took full advantage of a rare 70 degree day to make their first appearance. They opened their first bloom about 10 days ago but by today they were the stars of the winter garden bed.
Tonight, the weather shifted back a step and we had what is affectionately called a winter mix – half rain, half snow, half sleet with lightning and thunder in the background to add a little drama –a bit of wild weather and I think the last gasp of winter. When it was over the garden had a light slush covering the Crocuses and their neighboring tulip sprouts. Snow on Crocuses – that is an image, a sure sign of the end of winter and the start of new life.

I remember another March 23 morning in1979. That one was a brilliantly bright and sunny spring day. I was coming home from the