Field work in the preserve has pretty much come to an end this season. I’m tallying up the field work hours for the Service Learning department and getting a few early reflection papers. I’m satisfied with the results of this field work season. Looking back there were some highlights and so much enthusiasm. Certainly there is much to build on next spring.
The most exciting thing on the spring horizon is some early planning for a conference in April; we are thinking about a week-night conference followed by a week-end field trip to focus people on biodiversity and the issue of invasive species (among other issues); the APEC board heartily endorsed the plan and is looking to host an evening forum in April (tentative title- SAVING URBAN BIODIVERSITY).
It is just in the idea stage right now but I should be able to pull it together; I actually have a committee of great people to work with. Surround yourself with committed, strong, creative people and share the goal – that is a formula for success.
Once we have our ideas on paper I’ll be sure to post the developing plan to this space.
Right now is my time to get away for a couple of days so everyone should enjoy the holidays and the start of the winter season. Much love, peace, happiness and joy to all in the days ahead. Take care and love one another and I’ll be back early next year.